New York Accident Attorneys

Interstate Trucking.

Investigative and Authoritative Results

Interstate Truck Accident Cases

A trucking accident may seem like a “garden variety” motor vehicle accident case, but these cases are won and lost in the details. Simply stated, to obtain the maximum recovery, an attorney must understand the nuances of the FMCSA regulations and apply them in the setting of the applicable state law. This starts by knowing what to demand and what to ensure is preserved at the outset of the case – it begins at the investigation and continues through discovery.

Truck Accident Lawyers Defined by Details and Driven by Expertise

Our firm has a long track record of success in prosecuting interstate trucking cases. John Zaremba heads our trucking practice and has extensive expertise with the FMCSA regulations and their application, and the implications of MCS-90 to coverage issues.

Interstate Trucking

Featured Results

settlement during trial in an interstate trucking accident
Plaintiff suffered a comminuted sub-trochanteric fracture of his right femur with compartment syndrome. Plaintiff underwent emergency fasciotomy surgery to address the compartment syndrome as well as ORIF with inter-medullary rod to address the complex femur fracture. This case settled during the 8th day of trial in Bronx County Supreme Court. Prior to trial, the defendant’s best settlement offer was under $1,000,000.
settlement for the victim of a trucking accident
Plaintiff was injured when her vehicle was hit in the rear by a commercial truck. She sustained neck injuries, which kept her out of work for a short time.